Sunday, December 19, 2010

The mind of a child

I was recently traveling in train (awfully boring and isolated journey it was), and all the people were behind the curtains, and I wanted to catch a glimpse of a human face.
I couldn't have asked for more, like fresh sunshine,
I saw a child with a smile. :)

What is it like, to have
a mind of a child?
What hidden treasures of Atlantis
are there to find?

This mind never ceases to wonder
The bounty of all thats over and under
There are very few rich wellsprings
Than that, of a mind of a child.

Reality is, but situational
Imagination, so accessible
The king and keeper of its realm
Is the mind of a child.

Even esoterics sung the fable
To retrieve the unretrievable
What one really needs to have
Is the mind of a child.

To have life in sinew
To paint the dreams anew
All the world needs
Is the mind of a child.

In this world, unfathomable
There are few things as simple
As that of,
The mind of a child.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Cloning: results may vary

Things I don't understand

I cant and I cant decide
what's wrong from what's right

Where is the day break
and where's the end of night.

Why people run away
or find someone to blame,

Why do people change
and not  remain the same.

Why little things have to
always ruin everything

Why people who don't care
have to be glory basking.

Why is fate to decide
where you bend

Why all good things
must come to an end.
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